Your Friend in the Music Industry
Manchester, Brighton, London
You are a successful artist, or a rising star, but you do not always have the lyrics or the songs.
You are an aspiring artist but production is hard and expensive.
You want to list with a label who delivers fair rights and fair profits to you as an artist.
You just want to collaborate and engage in a safe and creative environment.
Whatever your need OpusNowMusic is a boutique song writing and music agency here for you.
We work remotely or can invite you to our recording facilities in west Cornwall.
Select songs from our catalogue, request creative services, email us for a free personal consultation.
Launch your own work through our label and we’ll launch you in our catalogue.
A small membership fee for full automatic admin, payments and royalties to be sent to you.
Why wait? It’s Now!
OpusNowMusic is founded on the belief that you are your own best work and that a timely support, word of advice or discussion can be remarkably valuable.
Take Action
Talk to us when you have a need for objective and professional song writing or production